Adding Background Image for blogger theme...

Honestly I'm not a writer, I am just fond of putting my thoughts somewhere. I don't have a degree in english and please forgive me in advance if there are jumbled phrases in my articles but I surely try to make it as much as to scratch the standards of how to write in english for grade school students :)

I started this blog about three years ago but I wasn't able to find time to write my thoughts. Only now that I am trying to re-design my small pet project ( - I pushed myself to write something, anything just to keep this "writing of thoughts" going.

I'm in battle with procrastination but I hope this time I will overcome it somehow. As said I'm not born as natural writer and I really don't have a talent in writing articles either.

This is my second blog post and what to do with a blog after it has been setup is to find a good theme or template. I know this is way over due. Since this is a Google powered blogsite, I don't have full control over it (which is good for me so I can focus more on the content than maintaining the back-end) so all I have to do now is to pick a background and add it on to the pre-defined selected theme.

This one quite got my attention :) It's the tactile keys that clicks and a lego storm trooper...


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