STAINGATE, 2015 Retina Macbook Pro 13"

Do you own a Early-2015 Retina MacBook Pro 13-inch? Worst case scenario, this is not my case. If you do, then I'm sure you've heard or familiar with the term "staingate". If not, then here's a reference site ( to read about it. "Staingate" is a term used to associate an issue with specific models of MacBook Pro and sad to say I am seeing this kind of pattern that seems to a scratch-like on my machine. When you try to clean it off with a micro-fiber cloth it doesn't goes away but instead gets bigger as time goes by. The first time I noticed it, it was just small dot at first, maybe about 7-8 months of normal usage - I seldom carry my MacBook Pro as I just work at home. I didn't mind too much because it normally happens, scratches. I didn't want to be fussy about it, and besides it doesn't interfere with my work while I'm on the machine -- at that time. After year and a half, the scratches created a patter...