Another earning, Php 104.03 using

Remember my first earning, Php 78.22 on my last bitcoin post ? Well a few days ago I got a good opportunity over the weekend. I had about Php 1,000.00 laying around on my account and I felt it's a good day to buy - the buy price dropped down to Php 448,159 per bitcoin so my Php 1,000.00 got me about 0.00223135 BTC - yeah I know it's very small but that's the only money I have for bitcoin investing. My first rule in investing is never invest money you can't afford to lose. I was hoping I can earn at least Php 80.00 or more, that was my goal. Over the weekend, I was out of my desk for some other commitments and personal project. I was not able to monitor the bitcoin price. Today, when I woke up my wife told me it's a good time to "sell" since the bitcoin "sell" price reached about Php 494,783 per bitcoin. I was thinking I'll wait until it reached Php 500,000 per coin. When I opened my workstation, check and simulate a convert fr...